Results for 'Alberto De Toni'

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  1.  7
    Isomorfismo del potere: per una teoria complessa del potere.Alberto F. De Toni - 2019 - Venezia: Marsilio. Edited by Eugenio Bastianon.
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    Le Peuple dans la pensée du jeune Gramsci.Alberto Cardosi, Adriana De Santis & Omer Moussaly - 2018 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Le peuple, sujet et agent de l’histoire! « Il serait important d’éradiquer cette pensée du sens commun pour laquelle la réalité biologique est tout et tout provient d’elle. Nous sommes habitués à enquêter sur le sens de la vie, si mystérieuse, si riche en imprévus ; on devrait peut-être donner du sens à sa propre vie, plutôt qu’en chercher la signification. Nous devons consacrer notre temps à essayer de construire quelque chose pour nous-mêmes par rapport aux autres ; et tout (...)
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    Puritan Democracy of Thomas Hill Green.Alberto De Sanctis - 2005 - Imprint Academic.
    The central concern of this book is to demonstrate how Puritanism was a theme which ran through all Green's biography and political philosophy. It thereby reveals how Green’s connections with Evangelicalism and his known affinities with religious dissent came from his way of conceiving Puritanism. In Green’s eyes, its anti-formalist viewpoint made Puritanism the most suitable tool for avoiding the drawbacks of democracy. The key objective of the book is to illustrate how the philosophy elaborated by Green aimed to encapsulate (...)
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  4. El concepto de ciencia en García Bacca.Alberto de Vicente González - 1979 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 6:455-462.
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    Averróis exposição da república de.platão.Luis Alberto De Boni - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):693-702.
    A intenção deste tratado é a exposição das doutrinas científicas atribuídas a Platão e contidas na República, prescindindo da argumentação dialética. Queremos ser muito concisos para assim poder falar sucintamente de todo ele. Sem embargo, e em razão do bom andamento expositivo, cremos que era necessário um prefácio introdutório, no qual o objeto de estudo se apresentasse na ordem devida, já que Platão escreveu este livro somente depois de haver concluído outros escritos acerca desta ciência. Também indicaremos, sempre que pudermos, (...)
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    Sobre a vida e a obra de Duns Scotus.Luís Alberto De Boni - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (3):91-117.
    The discovery and publication, throughout the XX century, of a number of manuscript documents referring to Duns Scotus, as well as the development of new techniques of research and critical edition of texts, have brought new knowledge about this author. Conversely, several legends regarding Scotus have been proved wrong. The edition of his oeuvres, though not concluded at this time, has allowed the determination of which works are indeed of his authorship, even though manuscripts originally written by Scotus are not (...)
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    (13 other versions)Apresentação.Luis Alberto De Boni - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):310.
    No Brasil, ao contrário de outros países, o número de estudiosos da Filosofia Medieval, como aliás também da Filosofia Antiga, é relativamente pequeno. Os medievalistas tomaram consciência dos problemas que enfrentavam, quando se reuniram pela primeira vez, em Brasília, no ano de 1982. Daquele primeiro Encontro surgiu um livro dedicado especialmente ao tema Filosofia Medieval. De lá em diante, reuniões periódicas, ou ocasiões especiais, permitiram que outros textos sobre o mesmo assunto fossem publicados. Criou-se também a Comissão Brasileira de Filosofia (...)
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    João Duns Scotus – Tractatus de primo principio.Trad Luis Alberto De Boni - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (3).
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    O estatuto jurídico Das perseguições dos cristãos no império Romano.Luis Alberto De Boni - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (s1):135-168.
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    Caleidoscópios: por entre imagens, gêneros, educações e histórias = Kaléidoscopes: au croisement entre images, genres, éducations et histoires.Alberto da Silva, Anamaria Gonçalves Bueno de Freitas, Fabrícia Teixeira Borges & Raylane Andreza Dias Navarro Barreto (eds.) - 2015 - Recife: Editora UFPE.
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  11. A historiografia da Revolução Mexicana no limiar do século XXI: tendências gerais e novas perspectivas.Carlos Alberto Sampaio Barbosa & Maria Aparecida de Souza Lopes - 2001 - História 20:163-198.
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    Para uma Leitura do Itinerarium mentis in Deum de S. Boaventura.Luis Alberto De Boni - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):437 - 463.
    A leitura do Itinerarium mentis in Deum de S. Boaventura requer que se leve em consideração a diferença que existe entre o pensamento dele e o de outros autores, principalmente Tomás de Aquino. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo aborda, em primeiro lugar, a teologia trinitária de S. Boaventura. Este não possui um tratado sobre a unidade de Deus, anterior ao De trinitate. Nisso ele se aproxima da tradição bíblico-antioquena, bem como da catequese e da liturgia da Igreja primitiva e abre (...)
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    Implantação de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade Dos Alimentos: Revisão e Análise Empírica.Tatiane Aparecida dos Santos Costa, Talita Costa E. Silva Brito, Leandro Alberto de Azevedo & Estelamar Maria Borges Teixeira - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):96-109.
    This review shows the various tools used to implemente the food quality system in food establishments. Presenting the various laws that subsidize this process, establishing criteria and instrumentes for a correct implementation of the quality system in order to offer adequate hygiene processes in the production of safe food, in addition to favoring the maintenance of companies in the consumer market. The implementation of food safety management systems such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) e Hazard Analysis (...)
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  14. Annals of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira (eds.) - 2001 - Orlando FL:
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  15. Evidence and Credibility: Full Bayesian Significance Test for Precise Hypotheses.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 1999 - Entropy 1 (1):69-80.
    A Bayesian measure of evidence for precise hypotheses is presented. The intention is to give a Bayesian alternative to significance tests or, equivalently, to p-values. In fact, a set is defined in the parameter space and the posterior probability, its credibility, is evaluated. This set is the “Highest Posterior Density Region” that is “tangent” to the set that defines the null hypothesis. Our measure of evidence is the complement of the credibility of the “tangent” region.
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  16. Positio contra complementum possibilitatis – Kant and Baumgarten on Existence.Toni Kannisto - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (2):291-313.
    In the course of his philosophy, in various contexts, Kant comes to reject three theses about existence: (i) that the thoroughgoing determination of a thing implies its existence, (ii) that existence is a real predicate or determination of a thing, and (iii) that existence is the complement of inner possibility or essence. Kant’s target here is Baumgarten, who advocates these theses as the criterion, classification, and definition of existence. In this article I seek to clarify Kant’s elusive theory of existence (...)
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  17. « Une mission glorieuse et profitable » réforme missionnaire et économie sucrière dans la province jésuite du brésil au début du xviie siècle.Charlotte de Castelnau-L'Estoile & Carlos Alberto de Moura Ribeiro Zeron - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):335-358.
    La province jésuite du Brésil est parcourue au début du XVIIe siècle par une série de tensions qui relèvent autant de son rapport à la société coloniale contemporaine que de ses relations avec le centre romain. À travers l'étude d'un document programmatique exceptionnel et original, dont l'auteur et la date de rédaction demeurent inconnus, les Advertências para a provincia do Brasil, on analyse l'inscription de l'entreprise missionnaire dans sa double dimension économicopolitique, avec l'engagement dans la production sucrière, et spirituelle, assurer (...)
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  18. A Dynamic Software Certification and Verification Procedure.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 1998 - SCI’99 Proceedings 2:426-435.
    in Oct-14-1998 ordinance INDESP-IO4 established the federal software certification and verification requirements for gaming machines in Brazil. The authors present the rationale behind these criteria, whose basic principles can find applications in several other software authentication applications.
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  19. Unit Roots: Bayesian Significance Test.Julio Michael Stern, Marcio Alves Diniz & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2011 - Communications in Statistics 40 (23):4200-4213.
    The unit root problem plays a central role in empirical applications in the time series econometric literature. However, significance tests developed under the frequentist tradition present various conceptual problems that jeopardize the power of these tests, especially for small samples. Bayesian alternatives, although having interesting interpretations and being precisely defined, experience problems due to the fact that that the hypothesis of interest in this case is sharp or precise. The Bayesian significance test used in this article, for the unit root (...)
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    Time required to start multicentre clinical trials within the Italian Medicine Agency programme of support for independent research.Gianfranco De Feo, Luciano Frontini, Silvia Rota, Antonio Pepe, Simona Signoriello, Roberto Labianca, Alberto Sobrero, Sabino De Placido & Francesco Perrone - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):799-803.
  21. Genuine Bayesian Multiallelic Significance Test for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Fabio Nakano & Martin Ritter Whittle - 2006 - Genetics and Molecular Research 5 (4):619-631.
    Statistical tests that detect and measure deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) have been devised but are limited when testing for deviation at multiallelic DNA loci is attempted. Here we present the full Bayesian significance test (FBST) for the HWE. This test depends neither on asymptotic results nor on the number of possible alleles for the particular locus being evaluated. The FBST is based on the computation of an evidence index in favor of the HWE hypothesis. A great deal of (...)
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  22. The Problem of Separate Hypotheses via Mixtures Models.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Silvio Rodrigues Faria & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2007 - AIP Conference Proceedings 954:268-275.
    This article describes the Full Bayesian Significance Test for the problem of separate hypotheses. Numerical experiments are performed for the Gompertz vs. Weibull life span test.
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  23. Miguel Reale: estudos em homenagem a seus 90 anos.Miguel Reale, Urbano Zilles, Antônio Paim, Luís Alberto De Boni & Ubiratan Borges de Macedo (eds.) - 2000 - Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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  24. Entre las Querellae y el Ars: esbozos de una retórica de la seducción en la Heroida 15 de Ovidio.Nicolás Pedro Alberto Reales - 2024 - Argos 51:e0066.
    La autenticidad de la Heroida 15 de Ovidio (Sappho Phaoni) fue objeto de grancontroversia crítica. Sin adentrarnos en la misma, pero a la luz de ella, mostramoslos mecanismos intratextuales, narrativos y estilísticos que instauran esta epístolacomo instancia de transición entre las simples (1-15) y las dobles (16-21).Abordamos fundamentalmente dos aspectos: en qué medida la Heroida 15 seconstruye como un “proemio en el medio” que determina la arquitectura global dela obra, y de qué manera su inscripción en el discurso elegíaco anticipa (...)
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  25. Naturalism: Contemporary Perspectives.Juliano Santos do Carmo, Flávia Carvalho, Clademir Araldi, Carlos Miraglia, Alberto Semeler, Adriano Naves de Brito, Sofia Stein, Marco Azevedo & Nythamar de Oliveira - 2013 - NEPFIL online | Dissertatio's Series of Philosophy.
    The basic assumption present in these articles is that naturalism is highly compatible with a wide range of relevant philosophical questions and that, regardless of the classical problems faced by the naturalist, the price paid in endorsing naturalism is lower than that paid by essentialist or supernaturalist theories. Yet, the reader will find a variety of approaches, from naturalism in Moral Philosophy and Epistemology to naturalism in the Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and of the Aesthetics.
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  26. Actuarial Analysis via Branching Processes.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2000 - Annals of the 6th ISAS-SCI 8:353-358.
    We describe a software system for the analysis of defined benefit actuarial plans. The system uses a recursive formulation of the actuarial stochastic processes to implement precise and efficient computations of individual and group cash flows.
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  27. A Straightforward Multiallelic Significance Test for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano, Silvio Rodrigues Faria & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Genetics and Molecular Biology 32 (3):619-625.
    Much forensic inference based upon DNA evidence is made assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) for the genetic loci being used. Several statistical tests to detect and measure deviation from HWE have been devised, and their limitations become more obvious when testing for deviation within multiallelic DNA loci. The most popular methods-Chi-square and Likelihood-ratio tests-are based on asymptotic results and cannot guarantee a good performance in the presence of low frequency genotypes. Since the parameter space dimension increases at a quadratic rate on (...)
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    Comentarios Críticos a "Husserl: ¿Fenomenología de la Matemática?" De Miguel Hernando Guamanga, Eidos, 36, 171-193.Luis Alberto Canela Morales - 2022 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 37:304-311.
    RESUMEN Un atento repaso por la concepción de la violencia chulhaniana en el contexto de las formas tradicionales que han estudiado este fenómeno social permite exponer con mayor detalle y claridad esta propuesta en cuanto a la relación con el otro se refiere. Cuando lo sucedido durante el colonialismo que azotó al mundo en el transcurso de los siglos XVIII y XIX se asumía como las más peligrosas acciones cometidas en procura de la supresión de las características propias de cada (...)
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  29. Una mirada crítica a la ética pragmática de Richard Rorty.Alberto Moreno Doña - 2004 - A Parte Rei 34.
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  30. Can a Significance Test Be Genuinely Bayesian?Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira & Sergio Wechsler - 2008 - Bayesian Analysis 3 (1):79-100.
    The Full Bayesian Significance Test, FBST, is extensively reviewed. Its test statistic, a genuine Bayesian measure of evidence, is discussed in detail. Its behavior in some problems of statistical inference like testing for independence in contingency tables is discussed.
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    The e-value and the Full Bayesian Significance Test: Logical Properties and Philosophical Consequences.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Luis Gustavo Esteves, Rafael Izbicki, Rafael Bassi Stern & Marcio Alves Diniz - unknown
    This article gives a conceptual review of the e-value, ev(H|X) – the epistemic value of hypothesis H given observations X. This statistical significance measure was developed in order to allow logically coherent and consistent tests of hypotheses, including sharp or precise hypotheses, via the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST). Arguments of analysis allow a full characterization of this statistical test by its logical or compositional properties, showing a mutual complementarity between results of mathematical statistics and the logical desiderata lying at (...)
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  32. Combining Optimization and Randomization Approaches for the Design of Clinical Trials.Julio Michael Stern, Victor Fossaluza, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2015 - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 118:173-184.
    t Intentional sampling methods are non-randomized procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. In this paper we extend previous works related to intentional sampling, and address the problem of sequential allocation for clinical trials with few patients. Roughly speaking, patients are enrolled sequentially, according to the order in which they start the treatment at the clinic or hospital. The allocation problem consists in assigning each new patient to one, and (...)
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    El presente y el porvenir de la filosofía del derecho.Alberto J. Rodríguez - 1939 - Córdoba,: R. A., Impr. de la Universidad.
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  34. Full Bayesian Significance Test Applied to Multivariate Normal Structure Models.Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Julio Michael Stern & Shelemiahu Zacks - 2003 - Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 17:147-168.
    Abstract: The Pull Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) for precise hy- potheses is applied to a Multivariate Normal Structure (MNS) model. In the FBST we compute the evidence against the precise hypothesis. This evi- dence is the probability of the Highest Relative Surprise Set (HRSS) tangent to the sub-manifold (of the parameter space) that defines the null hypothesis. The MNS model we present appears when testing equivalence conditions for genetic expression measurements, using micro-array technology.
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  35. Bayesian Test of Significance for Conditional Independence: The Multinomial Model.Julio Michael Stern, Pablo de Morais Andrade & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2014 - Entropy 16:1376-1395.
    Conditional independence tests have received special attention lately in machine learning and computational intelligence related literature as an important indicator of the relationship among the variables used by their models. In the field of probabilistic graphical models, which includes Bayesian network models, conditional independence tests are especially important for the task of learning the probabilistic graphical model structure from data. In this paper, we propose the full Bayesian significance test for tests of conditional independence for discrete datasets. The full Bayesian (...)
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  36. Intentional Sampling by Goal Optimization with Decoupling by Stochastic Perturbation.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:189-201.
    Intentional sampling methods are non-probabilistic procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. Intentional sampling methods are intended for exploratory research or pilot studies where tight budget constraints preclude the use of traditional randomized representative sampling. The possibility of subsequently generalize statistically from such deterministic samples to the general population has been the issue of long standing arguments and debates. Nevertheless, the intentional sampling techniques developed in this paper explore pragmatic (...)
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  37. A Weibull Wearout Test: Full Bayesian Approach.Julio Michael Stern, Telba Zalkind Irony, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2001 - Reliability and Engineering Statistics 5:287-300.
    The Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) for precise hypotheses is presented, with some applications relevant to reliability theory. The FBST is an alternative to significance tests or, equivalently, to p-ualue.s. In the FBST we compute the evidence of the precise hypothesis. This evidence is the probability of the complement of a credible set "tangent" to the sub-manifold (of the para,rreter space) that defines the null hypothesis. We use the FBST in an application requiring a quality control of used components, based (...)
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  38. Hierarchical Forecasting with Polynomial Nets.Julio Michael Stern, Fabio Nakano, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Studies in Computational Intelligence 199:305-315.
    This article presents a two level hierarchical forecasting model developed in a consulting project for a Brazilian magazine publishing company. The first level uses a VARMA model and considers econometric variables. The second level takes into account qualitative aspects of each publication issue, and is based on polynomial networks generated by Genetic Programming (GP).
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  39. TORC3: Token-Ring Clearing Heuristic for Currency Circulation.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Humes, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira & Guilherme Frederico Gazineu Rafare - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:179-188.
    Clearing algorithms are at the core of modern payment systems, facilitating the settling of multilateral credit messages with (near) minimum transfers of currency. Traditional clearing procedures use batch processing based on MILP - mixed-integer linear programming algorithms. The MILP approach demands intensive computational resources; moreover, it is also vulnerable to operational risks generated by possible defaults during the inter-batch period. This paper presents TORC3 - the Token-Ring Clearing Algorithm for Currency Circulation. In contrast to the MILP approach, TORC3 is a (...)
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  40. Enviromental genotoxicity evaluation: Bayesian approach for a mixture statistical model.Julio Michael Stern, Angela Maria de Souza Bueno, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira & Maria Nazareth Rabello-Gay - 2002 - Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 16:267–278.
    The data analyzed in this paper are part of the results described in Bueno et al. (2000). Three cytogenetics endpoints were analyzed in three populations of a species of wild rodent – Akodon montensis – living in an industrial, an agricultural, and a preservation area at the Itajaí Valley, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The polychromatic/normochromatic ratio, the mitotic index, and the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocites were used in an attempt to establish a genotoxic profile of each area. It (...)
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  41. Cointegration: Bayesian Significance Test Communications in Statistics.Julio Michael Stern, Marcio Alves Diniz & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2012 - Communications in Statistics 41 (19):3562-3574.
    To estimate causal relationships, time series econometricians must be aware of spurious correlation, a problem first mentioned by Yule (1926). To deal with this problem, one can work either with differenced series or multivariate models: VAR (VEC or VECM) models. These models usually include at least one cointegration relation. Although the Bayesian literature on VAR/VEC is quite advanced, Bauwens et al. (1999) highlighted that “the topic of selecting the cointegrating rank has not yet given very useful and convincing results”. The (...)
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  42. The Full Bayesian Significance Test for Mixture Models: Results in Gene Expression Clustering.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2008 - Genetics and Molecular Research 7 (3):883-897.
    Gene clustering is a useful exploratory technique to group together genes with similar expression levels under distinct cell cycle phases or distinct conditions. It helps the biologist to identify potentially meaningful relationships between genes. In this study, we propose a clustering method based on multivariate normal mixture models, where the number of clusters is predicted via sequential hypothesis tests: at each step, the method considers a mixture model of m components (m = 2 in the first step) and tests if (...)
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    Amor propio: Joaquim Xirau.Alberto Oya - 2024 - Estudios Filosóficos 73 (204):317-321.
    El objetivo de esta nota es señalar una de las ideas centrales de la concepción de Joaquim Xirau de la experiencia amorosa, que es la de que el amor propio, el concebirse a uno mismo como persona –es decir: como un fin en sí mismo y con su propia dignidad y autonomía–, es condición necesaria para la entrega amorosa para con el prójimo.
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  44. FBST Regularization and Model Selection.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2001 - In Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira (eds.), Annals of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis. Orlando FL: pp. 7: 60-65..
    We show how the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) can be used as a model selection criterion. The FBST was presented by Pereira and Stern as a coherent Bayesian significance test. Key Words: Bayesian test; Evidence; Global optimization; Information; Model selection; Numerical integration; Posterior density; Precise hypothesis; Regularization. AMS: 62A15; 62F15; 62H15.
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  45. Special Characterizations of Standard Discrete Models.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2008 - RevStat – Statistical Journal 6:199-230.
    This article presents important properties of standard discrete distributions and its conjugate densities. The Bernoulli and Poisson processes are described as generators of such discrete models. A characterization of distributions by mixtures is also introduced. This article adopts a novel singular notation and representation. Singular representations are unusual in statistical texts. Nevertheless, the singular notation makes it simpler to extend and generalize theoretical results and greatly facilitates numerical and computational implementation.
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    Materie als geronnener Geist: Studien zu Franz von Baader in den philosophischen Konstellationen seiner Zeit.Alberto Bonchino - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Translated from the Italian by Dorothy Bonchino-Demmler.
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    Entre religión y filosofía: textos significativos y problemas de traducción: lectura crítica de algunos textos filosóficos.Alberto Bernabé Pajares - 2023 - Madrid: Ediciones Antígona.
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    Latour, Deleuze y Harman hacia una nueva concepción de la teoría del actor red.Eduardo Alberto León - 2022 - Isegoría 66:23-23.
    This article aims, first, to describe some of the main features of Latour’s actor network theory. Second, it shows how the practice of writing nature could be seen as a precursor to the actor network theory. Third, some Deleuzian and Harman concepts are outlined, which could be useful for future actor network theories. And finally, this work argues that making an actor network theory implies a series of fundamental changes in the practice of literary and cultural studies, as well as (...)
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  49. Necesidad natural y explicacón científica.Alberto Rosales - 1990 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 26:97-116.
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    Sistemas Sintéticos. Lo inteligible en los manuales para la enseñanza.Alberto Camacho Ríos - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 22.
    The problem is focused on showing how fundamental knowledge arises from two dominances in opposition. Such fundamental knowledge gives structure to texts whose content is dedicated to the teaching.
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